Directional drilling
Already in 1995, our company was a pioneer in providing services in the field of horizontal directional drilling. Although this method is widely used today, our company, due to its extensive experience, is one of the leaders in performing directional drilling in Poland.
We have a background to be commissioned to carry out works anywhere in Europe in the scope of construction of:
- cable
- water
- gas and
- fuel pipelines.
The technology of horizontal directional drilling allows for collision-free overcoming of many terrain obstacles. This method is used to lay protective and working pipes under rivers, lakes, marshes, backwaters, roads and motorways, tracks, and densely built up areas. Our machinery park allows us to make drillings with a length up to 1,200 RMT and a maximum boring diameter of 900 mm. We have equipment with the highest technical parameters and an experienced and well-trained drilling team.