Since many years, Przedsiębiorstwo AGAT SA has been actively participating in many charity projects for the local community.
Our activities include for instance:
- Sponsoring the Special School and Educational Centre in Koluszki
- Sponsoring approx. 10 thousand lunches per year for children from the poorest families.
- Supporting the PCK [The Polish Red Cross], The Polish Diabetes Association, and The Polish Society for Fighting Disability
- Tending to the centre for military orphans whose fathers died in peacekeeping missions or in accidents at training grounds
- Patronage over the camp centre in Bieszczady (financial support and expansion)
- Participation in designing the Museum and Conference Centre of the Military Ordinate of the Polish Army
- Supporting the Military Institute of Medicine Hospital in Warsaw since 25 years
- Financial support for organising the Days of Koluszki and festivals organised by the Starosty Office
- Supporting the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity
- Sponsoring of trainings with Mariusz Wlazły
- Sponsoring the third league men’s volleyball team KKS Koluszki in 2007-2010
- Sponsorship of football tournaments
- Annual support for the KKS Koluszki club
- Cooperation and sponsorship of events held at schools and dance clubs
- Participating in publishing books and publications with scientific, cognitive and didactical values